Fork Information

Implemented flags


Key Items


Linked Flags

In order to enable any of the Ctreasure flags, you must select treasure settings that randomize chest contents. The flag validation will remove your Ctreasure flags when any of Tvanilla, Tshuffle, and Tempty are set.

  • Enabling Ctreasure:free enables C:nofree.
  • Enabling Ctreasure:earned enables C:noearned. Unlike the main site, character sprites at overworld locations are not replaced by piggy sprites.
  • Enabling either Ctreasure:unsafe or Ctreasure:relaxed will enable both Ctreasure:free and Ctreasure:earned




Flags from other forks


This is a fork of the v4.6.0 FE repository

Please see the original repo for its README information.

v4.6.0 Contributors

Free Enterprise was made possible using the extensive technical research and knowledge of PinkPuff, Grimoire LD, Chillyfeez, and Aexoden. This repo contains code written and designed by b0ardface/HungryTenor, Crow, Myself086, Myria, mxzv, and Wylem. It also contains the graphic design work of SchalaKitty and Steph Sybydlo. It is based on the game design work of riversmccown and mxzv. And while their specific assets are not included in this repo, the musical work of Xenocat and Calmlamity contributes extensively to Free Enterprise, and was formative in the development of tools contained here.

Community Contributors:

This repository contains other code written by community members who are not (necessarily) part of the formal "Green Names" FE development team, including:

Some of the code is based on design work done by community members who aren't listed above. They are... (to be filled in).

Many of the ideas are due to other community members asking questions or requesting features for the randomizer. You know who you are (and if not, check out the Discord server!).


This repo is distributed under the MIT License.